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Stugkontrollen is a personal project. It is an application my father has made where he can interact with/-and control certain objects within our summer cottage through code, such as turning on and off lamps, heaters, cameras etc. The application needed a visual identity as well as a design, that's where I came in.
● User Experience Design
● User Interface Design
● Interaction Design
● App Design


My role was to come up with all the visuals for the application as well as help my father ideate on certain solutions and interactions that would improve the usability of the app. I also had to make sure that the interface were easy to use, "even grandma need to be able to access and interact with the app" 👵🏻


I created a visual identity for the application which were concluded of a document with all the visual components and their usage. The identity were based on keywords that were concluded for the application: User friendly and personal.

I brainstormed and used certain methods such as card sorting to create the different pages, navigation as well as new content for the application. I created high fidelity prototypes which I user-tested with the stakeholders.

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