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Agoy AB

AgoyIt AB is a fintech startup in the accounting sector, challenging the large enterprise software corporations in the nordic countries. Founded by accountant expert Carl-Magnus Falk 2019. The same year (2019),  AgoyIt went from idea to mvp and received funding from investors like; Johan Berg (ex CEO of Fortnox), Markus Jacobson (founder of the IT-company IStone) amongst others. I was the first employee together with a developer as a consultant, and took it from idea to a product on the market.
● User Experience Design
● User Interface Design
● Interaction Design
● Style Guide
● Project Management
● PR Content


I worked as the Lead UX & UI Designer for Agoy to make sure that the platform met the users need. The idea for the platform were to fill a specific void within the industry with a cloud based platform. So I had to make sure that everything were user-friendly and easy to understand and work with for our user group. I also was in charge to create the visuals for the whole company.


By the use of the methodology; The double diamond process.I worked in a very iterative manner to translate the customer needs into features and expected product goals. I interacted with the target audience through qualitative research methods and high-fidelity user testing to be able to familiarise myself with their work process and get a solid understanding of whom the end users and their needs are. I conducted ideation sessions based on my “how might we” questions with the client where we brainstormed and iterated solutions to discover problems and/-or overall improvements of the product. I concluded everything and made sure to keep well structured requirement documents/ tickets within Jira, to ease the workload and communication for the development team which were scattered all around the globe.

To make sure that the platform were kept consistent I created a design-guide/ design-library as a template for the developers as well as the stakeholders. So everyone were kept up to date with visual iterations.In the beginning of the project I also changed the ways of communication and project management, I made sure that we worked in a more agile way, through SCRUM method since I noticed a lot of communication issues and misunderstandings with the previous communication methods. This had a big impact and made everything more effective.In addition to this I also helped Agoys PR-team with visuals, such as videos, animation and posters.
Wireframe of the company list in Agoy
Wireframe of the accounting view
Wireframe of the document library
Wireframe of the preview for uploaded files in the accounting view

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